Welcome to Black Women 4 Healthy Living, the only local nonprofit that focuses exclusively on Black women’s health, wellness, and wellbeing.

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Who we are

We have a holistic approach to our work because our health and wellbeing intersect with where we live, work, and play. Living well is not just about being in good health, eating well, and being physically fit. It is also about feeling safe, having access to proper health care, living in a just society, and having the ability to improve your situation.

We believe if you heal the Black woman, you heal the Black family. Our healing is more than emotional, mental, or physical. It is also relational, financial, and environmental.
Our work requires us to consider all these things when advocating, creating programs, and lifting the Black women in our community.
We are making an impact in the lives of Black women in Greater Des Moines. Check out our Upcoming Events to learn more.

Black Women’s Health Coalition

The Black Women’s Health Coalition is a FREE program that addresses the health disparities of Black women. We approach this holistically: physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, and with a justice lens. Join us on the 3rd Saturday, every other month, beginning February 2024, at Corinthian Baptist Church, 814 School Street, from noon to 3:00 pm. Free childcare is available.

February 17th – Heart Health/Black Health
April 20th – Maternal Health/Kidney Health
July 20th – Preventive Care/Gynecological Health
October 19th – Breast Cancer Awareness and Gynecological Cancers
November 16th – Meet our Partners and Supporters

Learn more about our programs and sponsors.

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Black Women Conference Group pic
Board 2024

Black Women 4 Healthy Living 2024 Board

NAACP Award 2022

2022 NAACP Des Moines Branch Non-Profit of the Year Award

Congratulations to Black Women 4 Healthy Living on receiving the NAACP Des Moines Branch Non-Profit of the Year Award at the 46th NAACP Annual Freedom Fund Banquet. Thank you NAACP Des Moines Branch for this great honor. We will continue Fighting Forward.

2022 Heroes of the Heartland Recipients

Community Engagement